Sunday, October 28, 2012

Beijing experience - John Reising

I’ve been back in the states for a week, and I still find myself needing a nap
during the middle of the day and struggling to fall asleep until 4 in the morning.
However, in the time I’ve been struggling to fall asleep, I’ve thought back to the past
week in Beijing and reflected on the tremendous experience offered to all us.
Although only a week, the time spent in Beijing opened a different
perspective on viewing the world. Traveling abroad and leaving the enclosed bubble
surrounding the United States and especially Notre Dame is a valuable asset to have.
By working with the students from Peking in the case study, we were able to
overcome many language and other barriers in order to produce a polished
presentation. Lectures from professors made me more aware of the skewed point of
view the United States takes towards reporting relations with China. Company visits
gave valuable lessons on business etiquette in China. For example, I quickly learned
the Chinese greatly value passing out business cards. You should accept the card
with both hands and read over all the content on the card instead of immediately
putting the card in your back pocket.
The highlight of the trip though was the sightseeing all around Beijing. From
the Forbidden City to Great Wall and many interesting diners, we made the most of
our week there. Each day was packed with a mixture of tourist and business
activities. Also, the Peking students accompanied us on many of our trips and
offered a Chinese point of view that expanded my initial thoughts on everything I
saw or learned.

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