Sunday, October 28, 2012

Beijing Experience - Mia Swift

It's amazing how much of this one little week I'll never forget. That's not to say I don't remember goofing off with friends on campus or the feeling of an undefeated football season, but nothing has remained so engraved in my mind as my time in Beijing. Just walking alone with my thoughts (and my huge, around the neck camera) through the Forbidden City was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Each gate led to an even greater sight, and all of the colors painted a beautiful landscape against the ever-smoggy sky. Once we climbed to the top of the palace (it'll also be hard to forget all those grueling treks, especially to the top of the Great Wall), we each took a conscious moment to fully take in our beautiful view. As much as I love my camera, it couldn't begin to properly capture all what I saw in those moments.  In Beijing, you'll try foods, meet people, and see those little glimpses of China that will all together form your brand new vision of this very foreign country. Things we forget in our everyday, like interactions with shopkeepers, bus rides, or street food snacks (do yourself a favor and eat as many sugar covered hawthorns as you can get your hands on) will become memories for a lifetime. I wouldn't trade my time in Beijing for anything, and I am so grateful I was provided this opportunity. Enjoy every second of your time there, because good or bad, I promise you that you won't want to miss a thing. 

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